Curious gulls on Sanibel Island, Florida. Meet my friend, "Gull-i-Bel"!!! (Photo and caption by Richard Rush)Текстът под снимките е писан от съответните фотографи.Разни прекрасности от Нешънъл Джиографик, както винаги.
The Big Picture са подбрали
25 чудеса, а в страничката на
Viewer's Choice competition на сайта Нешънъл може да се гласува за определен брой страхотни снимки. Аз си правя една оскъдна селекция, за радост на окото. Мога да сложа само тези от The Bih Picture, но в селекцията на Нешънъл има невероятни неща, особено в Nature и Places.

An example of photo luminescence in coral in West Papua (Photo and caption by Stephen Martin)

I took this picture on a sunny fall afternoon on a prairie near Chicago, Illinois. To improve the color saturation, I blocked the sunlight with my body. The blue background came straight from the camera. The image was not altered with any editor. (Photo and caption by Richard Susanto)

My grandfather was born and raised on our New Zealand farm. He and my grandmother were married nearly 60 years. Preparing for a photo in the barley, my grandmother lovingly reached up to adjust his hat. This was his last harvest. (Photo and caption by Gemma Collier)
A young orangutan swings from tree to tree in Tanjung Puting National Park in Indonesian Borneo. (Photo and caption by Sean Crane)
This is one view of many dunes found in Jordan. Two steps forward and one step back made for a challenging ascent. (Photo and caption by Andrew Cwiklewich)
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ОтговорИзтриванеПрофесионализмът си казва думата! :)
:) Дядото и бабата много, ама много ми харесаха. Благодаря за линка.